15% Clodinafop Propargyl 1% WP Metsulfuron Methyl
Post-emergent, Broad specturm Selective Herbicide
Stabilised formulation to overcome anatgonism between Clodinafop and Metsulfuron
Quick Facts
Weeds stop growing and start withering 48 hours after application
Killing of weeds within 7 –10 days after application
Safe and highly selective to wheat crop
WheatAnagallis arvensis Avena fatua Chenopodium album Convolvulus arvensis Coronopus didymus Fumaria parviflora Lathyrus sp Melilotus spp. Phalaris minor Rumex spp Vicia Sativa
35 days when weeds are in 2 to 6 Leaf stage
Dose/Pack of Size