Product Description
Indofil M 45 Fungicide contains Mancozeb 75% wp.
Mancozeb is a protective fungicide which reacts with, and inactivates sulfhydryl (SH) groups of aminoacids and enzymes of fungal cells,
It resulting in disruption of lipid metabolism, respiration and production of ATP.
Broad spectrum disease control – Indofil M-45 is an effective protectant fungicide which control diseases caused by all four major classes of plant pathogens in wide range of the cross.
Widely used and trustworthy fungicide which offering effective control of wide of disease.
Used for foliar sprays, seed treatment and nursery drenching in many crops.
Its multisite mode of action, the risk of resistance development is very low therefore, It can be used repeatedly for number of years.
Cost benefits for disease control over non-EBDCs.
Potential health benefit to the plant by providing Manganese and Zinc as micro nutrients.
Best fungicide to be used along with systemic fungicides for protective and curative control of disease and to prevent of delay resistance development.
Low persistence in environment as it rapidly degrades in soil and water, no leaching potential.